My condolences for all the families involved in this tragedy. It is sad that these incidents are continuing to increase. Are there misguided cops our there? yes, but are there misguided citizens out there? absolutely, which is why police are needed. Police in general are reactive at best. We respond to situations cause something has happened and we get called in. There are times when we are proactive, like traffic enforcement units, drug units, Domestic violence units etc, but even in these units, we are reacting to something(ex:running a red light, selling drugs, beating on your wife) People need to understand that we DON'T get up in the morning and say oh man, I hope I get the chance to shoot someone today while doing my job.... Can the same be said about the CRIMINALS that go out with their gun? Do they say I hope I don't have to shoot someone today as I go out to sell drugs, or rob someone, or burglarize a business....We do however get up and pray to make it home to our families at the end of the tour. Police have a tough job, which is getting tougher everyday because some of the people we swear to protect are siding with the criminals. I have seen where a police officer is trying to make an arrest and people pull the police officer off to allow the criminal to get away. Where would we be if the police just stopped....didn't come when you called, didn't do traffic enforcement and a drunk driver hit one of your loved ones. How would you, the victim of a crime, feel looking into the eye of the police officer as he as he says to you, I'd like to help you, but I may get sued or I may go to jail if I do anything that would be viewed as too aggressive to the public. Listen, I sympathize when someone loses their life and if it was done with malice it should be dealt with appropriately no matter who you are. I grew up in a time when the police had a heavier hand, and as a Hispanic male, who has been discriminated against, I can tell you I have never had a gun pulled on me by a police officer because of what I was doing. any officer that I came across, I treated with respect and therefore given respect in return. I have had my share of traffic tickets and was even taken to the police station yet here I am alive and well. I grew up with values of helping your fellow man instead of hurting them. I have worked as a Paramedic for 30 years and a Police Officer for 14 years now. We as a society have to stop this "anarchic mindset". Support your police whenever you can cause as shown last night, they are the ones to run into the danger to protect others. My prayers go out to the families of these fallen Police officers...Greater love has no man than this, to lay down one's life for his friend