Quote Originally Posted by blueverclear View Post
Black lives matter to me as an Black Male in todays society and to many of my friends, family, and colleges who are not just black but many races. To say "Certainly not to other blacks or people of color" is an insulting and ignorant statement at best to me and many people like me.

An officer should never loose his/her life on the job and I am in no way condoning any actions of anyone no matter what there race is to intentionally hurt or kill LEOs. We are taught in this country that you have to pick a side which is BS, they do this to keep us divided and it has worked. You can be pro police and pro black lives matter, the good from both groups should be embraced by all and the bad chastised.

"I'm thinking the problem is in "their house". " Absolutely wrong and exactly why race relations never get better. This is OUR SOCIETY not their society, we should be in the fight against violence and the lack of education together as communities, cities, states, and country. Human life should be important to everyone across the board and inner city black on black killing (which is definitely the biggest problem WE have in inner cities across the country) doesn't just affect black people, it affects everyone. Its time for all of us to come together to educate and fight through the problems in our communities. United we stand, divided we fall.

I am sickened by the ignorance, blatant misrepresentations, inductive reasoning, marginalization, and the celebrated propagation of stereotypes that have been expressed in this thread. Some of you have been sources of very helpful information regarding motorcycles, and have provided many chuckles in the various threads, but I am shocked and disgusted to find that some of my favorite posters subscribe to such small-mindedness.

It is often said that when someone tells you who they are, believe them. Well many of you have made me a believer. I believe that many of you have an US vs. THEM mentality. I believe that many of you think that the anecdotal experiences of you and your associates validate your misinformed opinions of your fellow citizens who may greatly differ from you in many ways. I believe that many of you REALLY DO believe that you can ascribe/discern the character traits, intellects, proclivities, and collective intentions of an entire ethnicity based on "what you've seen" while summarily invalidating the different perspectives that others have based on THEIR observations/experiences. I believe that many of you are arrogant enough to be confident that your interpretation of what #Black Lives Matter means/intends is correct EVEN THOUGH the founders and members of that movement have REPEATEDLY debunked those interpretations. I believe that many of you simply cannot understand that being critical of SOME members/aspects of law enforcement and the justice system is NOT tantamount to being against ALL members/aspects of law enforcement and the justice system. I believe that many of you find it hard to disagree with a person's perspective without demonizing the person for seeing things differently.

IMHO, many of you should be ashamed of yourselves and totally embarrassed to write the things that have been expressed in this thread, but I'm sure that's hard to feel when you get so many affirmations of your point of view. We are the UNITED States of America. If we refuse to stand as one, we will surely fall as one.