Quote Originally Posted by unsub View Post
Hey BadDawg, tell us what held you back and how did you prep so others can learn from your experience.
Will do. First do your homework and plan your route. know the speed limits and 24 hour gas stops.

I did all that. I've done these before just not this big.

What went wrong. The big killer, I lost my pony tank less than 70 miles into the trip. Now my 5 fuel stops each direction and known stops just went to hell. I scheduled fuel stops around ever 350 miles. now I don't know exactly were I'm stopping. parts of Montana and South Dakota have some very sparse area. my 5 stops turned into 11 each way.

Hit bad weather in Wyoming. I was using my phone as a GPS touch screen doesn't work when wet. i missed a crucial exit that added almost an hour to my trip. I actually have a water proof GPS but it is bulky and I don't like the touch screen on it. I should have sucked it up.

If you want to certify your run documentation is everything. Coordinate your key points before you go. Trying to explain on the fly why you need witness to a total stranger is very time consuming.

There are many things that you cannot control. Weather, traffic, construction. So don't leave the things you can control up to chance.