I spoke with Mark at Madstad late today and didn't get an answer to my basic question as to why the difference in bracket height adjustment between Bruce's bike and mine. Now I know he has been out of the office (on the road) and he sounded tired tonight so I wasn't going to beat someone up on the phone in that condition.

I tried to take a pic of my bike at the same relative angle and height as Bruce did. It's pretty clear the bottom of each shield is about even with the the gasket that mates the faring to the base shield. It's also clear that the bottom contour (relief) on Bruce's shield is much more gradual and looks better.

Now Mark at Madstad says these two shields are the same except for the height (Bruce's 13" and my 16"). Mark claims Bruces 13" shield is the same as mine Just that he has 3" cut off the top. Mark claims the distance from shield mounting holes to the bottom of the shield are the same on all shields. Seems if that were the case the brackets on both shields would be adjusted in the full down position. Note that Bruce's brackets appear to be adjusted full UP and mine are in fact full DOWN. It was clear that Mark and I were not on the same page as I explained this and we never reached any type of agreement.

Supposedly Mark will send me an 11" shield that will be exactly like my 16", just 5" cut off the top. If that's the case then it will be 11" above the faring gasket in the down position and 14" in the up position which is what I'm looking for. If it turns out like Bruce's then it will be 11" in the full up position and adjust down to 8" which is not what I want. I tried to explain to Mark that something is off here but just was not getting across. I tried, guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed and wait to see what I get. I'm not too optimistic since I tried to tell Mark before placing my original order that the 16" shield would be too high.

Can any of you guy's explain why the vertical bracket adjustment is at opposite extremes on the two bikes ????

Bruce's Bike

d-shark's Bike