Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
LE and MIL are also not in the business to make money. Don't take this wrong but Massad is in this business to make money, as is Larry Vickers, Hackerthorn my Thursday night instructor Aaron Roberts. Creating a level of paranoia is a subconscious effort used by anyone in this type of business. Scaring folks sells. I am glad you have written a book and are in this profession I respect. But you also must create a level of apprehension and doubt on the average citizen or your book wouldn't be popular, if it is. I push back just a little bit because in reality when the shit hits the fan in the Wallyworld parking lot, the bad guy isn't playing by any rules, and one of us has to go home that night, preferably me. And if I believe a hot reload may be needed to go through two car doors to complete my protection if I am in that situation, then a hot reload is what I will carry in my firearm. I'll give you the results of our dinner discussion tomorrow. I'll save the hillaree battering to myself, it makes me sleep better. Good discussion David.

You obvously have training in the field and are a smart guy, but with all due respect, I, Ayoob, Vickers, Hackathorn (both of whom I also know) dont make money by creating doubt and apprehension, we make money solving doubt and apprehension

The fact that we make money does not negate the value of our teachings. We don't make stuff up to sell books. I teach what I live and live what I teach.

How will you explain it to the jury when your hot reload, loaded to be hotter than anything available by professional manufacturers, goes through two car doors and kills a 2-year old? Really think your reloads won't be used to convict you?

I've stated my case, the decision is up to you.

Oh, and by the way, how am I creating doubt and apprehension in order to make money, by giving you free advice?