I upgraded to the Sena 20S last week from a Sena SMH10 that had been smashed.
I bought an extra helmet mount for the Sena 20S $75.00


Why I upgraded to Sena 20S:

bigger speakers They may be bigger but I can tell no difference in music volume or quality (they are not loud enough)

voice commands I have had little or no luck with the voice commands so far / tapping doesn't work
There are push button commands for most everything anyway which work the fist time every time

better battery I don't know yet / I hope the battery is better than the Sena SMH10 (not good 4 -6 hours no communication or phone)


I had the Sena SMH10 for several years and only used it for music and GPS from my phone (I can't believe not one phone call). I always loved the Sena SMH10 accept for battery life and sound volume.

The replacement Sena SMH10 cost $100.00. (I could have save $300.00 so far)
I may buy a replacement SMH10 rather than another helmet mount for my other helmets.
By buying a replacement SMH10 for my other 2 helmets I they would both be ready to go for $100.00 total instead of another $150.00.
I would have a spare Sena for a friend to use or if my 20S battery died on a trip. (they have died on every trip I have taken over 6 hours)
It would be nice to have a spare to use when the Sena 20S dies.


My recommendations:

If you had the Sena SMH10 and have the helmet mounts for several helmets I would recommend getting a replacement SMH10.

I don't know how the Sena SMH10 was for phone calls but the Sena 20S is great (my wife said it sound like I am not on the motorcycle)
