Quote Originally Posted by seadog View Post
It's definitely against the law to block traffic and roll thru stop lights and stop signs but its also bad to have cagers in a line with 45 or 50 bikes. So the safety aspect is what they are trying to maintain. Because traffic stops pull the group apart and put cagers in the line with them that creates an unsafe condition for that many motorcycle. Your right its illegal, but they never get stopped or pulled over for those illegal acts and don't ask me why I don't have an answer. But this group is full of the nicest guys you could every meet, not a bad bone in there group.
Think about that for a second. Breaking a group of 45 motorcycles, which in itself is an unsafe entity, makes it unsafe. For who? Unsafe as you try to reassemble and run lights and push traffic out of the clan.

Not a bad bone, except for the arrogant ones that condone and initiate the self centered selfish unsafe law breaking. Screw the cagers, we'll do what the f we want.