Quote Originally Posted by 3Chief View Post
Not that I disagree with what's been said so far here...However, where's the counter argument? We go full flame on oil or darkside or anything yet nobody is defending Obama/Clinton... I either find myself in the most enlightened company or there are a bunch of backstabbing cowards who are afraid to offer a counter point and are out rioting floating around here somewhere. Part of the founding of this country was compromise, yet we just don't seem to do it anymore. It's all one way or the other. A great deal more people would be happier if we all worked together vs doing everything in our power to obstruct the process instead of finding common ground to work from. And that's both sides of the aisle.
Couldn't disagree more, there was no compromise in the founding and liberation of this nation because freedom has no compromise only responsibility and eternal vigilance. The enemy tries to put it's foot in the door by making you compromise. Liberals idea of compromise is when the majority gives into their plan. No one is defending those 2 miscreants because you can't defend the indefensible.

You either believe an abortion is murder or you don't
You either believe in open borders or you don't
You either believe you have a right to keep and wear arms or you don't (The proper translation of "bear")

That's why I disagree with Independents, you can't wet your finger and stick it in the air every election and say you stood on any ground. You either take a position on something, and be able to articulate it, or you don't. I have trouble sitting on the fence, it hurts my balls. Luckily, NY is a state where there is a separate Conservative Party.

The representative Republic we have works well, as it did Tuesday, President-elect Donald Trump said I'm going to do this this and this and we elected him, no compromise. It's when we elect someone that says I'm going to do this, "Read my lips no new taxes", and they "compromise" that we lose all respect for them and they go down in flames as a one term disgrace. If President-elect Donald Trump compromises on any of his core issues he will also be a one term president. The only compromise I'd be willing to entertain is which federal prison that diesel dike goes to AFTER she's convicted.