Quote Originally Posted by Wing'n it View Post
See, I think Honda has some issues with a handful of bikes out there. There are way too many people complaining about the front end clunking and there is no way people have enough miles to have worn out the bearings yet, a few yes but generally most have not. Mine started at around 4500 miles and it was bad when I got in there, everything was really loose. It's not fun to get to the stem nut/bearings but if you have unexplained front end clunking/clacking you should at least have them checked.
Yea.. it's always something with these bikes. First the rear differential low on gear oil; then brake recall... then radiator hose clamp coolant leaks, now improper assembly of the head stem bearings... Is a huge pain it the butt to check them. But I am getting GOOD at ripping this bike apart thank gawd.