Quote Originally Posted by pilotguy299 View Post
There are arguments on both sides of this issue on why or why not to do it. I did an awful lot of reading 5 years ago before putting a goodyear triple tread on my VTX1300R. The "pros" cited by people had already gone dark side, just seemed to outweigh the "cons" proposed by people who never tried it. I have yet to read anywhere about a car tire on a motorcycle actually causing any of the issues the naysayers were proposing.

Now it may be because in all of those incidents the people actually died in a big ball of flame, and were never able to report their accident. But I'm not convinced of that.

In my own experience the ride is smoother on straightaways, provides significantly better braking on dry & wet roads, lasts much longer, takes a bit more to get in to a turn, but takes a lot less to get the bike back upright and stopped.

And to be completely honest, I find that I ride a lot more aggressively - even in the turns - than I do on a motorcycle tire. I just feel that much more comfortable and capable on the car tire I have. And that's with about 30,000 miles on two different bikes.

Tire selection is important. The GYTT has a pretty squared profile, and took a quite a bit more to get in to a turn. The Brigestone run flat tire I have now is a little more rounded at the edges, and is more MT like in it's handling. And since you're supposed to get the bike upright before braking in a turn, I see that tendency as a huge plus.

And I understand your hesitation to buy in to it. I was skeptical as well.

You said it way better than I, but you experienced the same things I did. BTW, I am on the 4th one.