Quote Originally Posted by seadog View Post
If you looking for a bang for your buck for a pair of protective riding jeans the Duluth Trading 5 pocket firehose jeans are the best. I also had a friend lay down his ride and said he slid at least 15 yards on asphalt and got up without a bit of road rash on his legs or butt, he is a firm believer in those heavy cotton jeans and I also bought two pair after seeing his and they were not even close to being destroyed. He still uses them and they are in fine shape. They are very comfortable for a heavy jean.
Hey Seadog,
How are those Duluth jeans on length? I know they sell long shirts to cover plumbers crack, but I'd love to find some comfortable, protective jeans that will stay down around my ankles (or just above) while in riding position. I wear mid-shin boots and I'm still having any pair of jeans I wear ride past the top of the boot. I'm not much for cold wind up my pant leg. Anyone else found a jean long enough that they like? I really don't want to have to break out my wifes' knee high bitch boots!