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Thread: And so it begins

  1. #31
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    Felony Charges for Journalists Arrested at Inauguration Protests Raise Fears for Press Freedom

    I think it's obvious that Monkey Paw wants to eliminate or suppress anything/anyone that paints him in a negative light. Talk about a tyrant!
    It is time that people take responsibility for their own actions.

    It was inauguration day, the president didn't have any authority to do anything yet and you think that the laws that the POLICE enforced were created to biasely arrest journalists or just anyone involved in a crime that MOMENT ? Dennis STOP trying to blame everything and anything you don't like on the president. This is more FAKE news that some of you believe had something to do with the president and nothing to do with the crimes being committed. It's starting to get old.

    CHINA continues to WAKE-UP, this morning they want to SHARE and COOPERATE (with the USA) the South China Sea, too funny. China is now proposing a "RATIONAL" relationship

    There's a NEW sheriff in town, let's see what he can do ..... see link.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  2. #32
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Darren, we all know that you are a British citizen living in Canada. Your countrymen's ignorance to the Islamic Extremism has placed many British citizens in harms way. You all just keep your open borders to that vial society and stupidity.

    Trump has been in office for ONLY 5 DAYS to even see any important contradictions. Draining the swamp will take time, but it will happen, just not at Darren's timeline. The WALL will eventually be paid through duties, taxes imposed on Mexican manufactured goods entering this country and items that we sell Mexico. Like a tax it will eventually trickle down to Mexico .... THAT's just plain simple business. I pass ALL of my business expenses down to my customers, that's how we run a business to show a profit. America is a BUSINESS and the world wants to do business with our citizens. Trump will run it like a business. Mexico NEEDS the US and will be forced to understand that we are now going to treat illegal immigration just the same way that Mexico treats illegals in their backyard.

    Hillary is still under investigation to even make any premature assumptions like you have. You have the tendency to make premature assumptions. Your premature future assumption "that he's not too much of a disappointment" is very clear that in your mind he's already some type of a disappointment without even giving him an opportunity. At least he has NOT blamed the previous administration for his failures like our previous president did for at least 4 years. Trump has done more in 5 days than most world leaders ever anticipated. He has already succeeded in many ways and our stock market crossed 20,000 ......

    Your "opinion" was nothing short of more FALSE news with no facts and a slap to the face for the American society that voted him in.
    You insulted the American intelligence and I called you on it, noone in the world considers him a Buffoon as you stated. The Chinese repeatedly and adamantly claimed that they were going to hold their ground on the South China Sea before and after Trump was elected ... the Chinese even warned Trump that they would exercise a "Strong response/confrontation" if the US did anything in the China Sea to disrupt their illegitimate claim of practically the entire South China Sea.... They have witnessed his resolve to get things done and China has quickly realized that Trump is willing to shove one or more of our aircraft carriers up their Ass. Today (5 days after taking office) China cowed down with their bulls--t roderick and WOKE-UP to reality and has instructed their foreign minister to inform the Trump Administration that it wants dialogue with the US to manage disputes and promote bilateral relations (this is also known as ASS KISSING).

    The Canadian prime minister is now coming around and all of a sudden likes Trump. I would bet that the Iranians are now being cautious. The Russians are at least smart enough to know that they keep their friends close but keep their enemies closer, hence their FAKE persona of liking Trump, the Russians dislike American values.

    Focus on REAL world issues NOT stupid sound-bites, the American public made him president because they didn't give a damn about his tax returns just as the other half didn't care about Hillary's fraudulent money diverting scheme into her foundation. It's a HOLLOW non-issue.

    You have made it clear on several posts that you don't like conservatives and you make BS comments to support your personal agenda or beliefs, just be prepared to be called on it .... time to put on your big boy panties and ALLOW Trump to hang himself or soar like an Eagle, until then stop spewing your hatred for the man. Give him a chance

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
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  3. #33
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Darren ... yesterday, I TOLD YOU SO

    One day before it was announced.

    Today, I just read the following .........

    By Joshua Partlow January 26 at 3:40 PM
    MEXICO CITY--President Enrique Peņa Nieto on Thursday called off a trip to Washington, after President Trump launched his plan to construct a border wall and insisted he would stick Mexico with the bill. The incident opened one of the most serious rifts in memory between the United States and its southern neighbor.
    Trump spokesman Sean Spicer added a stunning new detail about the proposed wall project later Thursday, saying that Trump intended to pay for it by imposing a 20-percent tax on all imports from Mexico.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  4. #34
    Senior Member tiltingf6b's Avatar
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    he promised to sue

    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    You rabble rouser you!
    remember he "promised to sue" ALL those women who came forward about his sexual mis-conduct..
    Be Careful What YOU Wish For

  5. #35
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post

    Darren ... yesterday, I TOLD YOU SO

    One day before it was announced.

    Today, I just read the following .........

    By Joshua Partlow January 26 at 3:40 PM
    MEXICO CITY--President Enrique Peņa Nieto on Thursday called off a trip to Washington, after President Trump launched his plan to construct a border wall and insisted he would stick Mexico with the bill. The incident opened one of the most serious rifts in memory between the United States and its southern neighbor.
    Trump spokesman Sean Spicer added a stunning new detail about the proposed wall project later Thursday, saying that Trump intended to pay for it by imposing a 20-percent tax on all imports from Mexico.
    Man, I better order those Gasolina boots pronto then....!

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  6. #36
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Let's see if the democrats have the nuts to support it. Oh wait, higher taxes.......shit yeah, where do we sign.
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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Dennis STOP trying to blame everything and anything you don't like on the president. This is more FAKE news that some of you believe had something to do with the president and nothing to do with the crimes being committed. It's starting to get old.
    OK Tony, lets break down the FACTS here. Donald Trump has REPEATEDLY said he is at war with the "lying, dishonest media!" Gee, why does he call the media dishonest? He only says that if they report something that he sees as less than praise for him. Since he's so f-ing awesome, anything that sheds a less than favorable light on him must be lies and downright hostility towards him, right? You following along so far? Good.
    So now there are reporters simply doing their jobs, reporting on the protests and rioting. Why would they do that? BECAUSE IT'S NEWS! What do you think the biggest ego in the country thought of these reporters showing the world all of the people protesting him? It's no secret the the Donald cares more about his image, his poll numbers, his crowd sizes, etc. etc. than anyone else in recent memory. Are you still following along? Yes? Good!

    So do you honestly think it's inconceivable that these reporters were arrested and facing felony charges simply because they were reporting on something Trump didn't want them reporting on is really that much of a stretch? Has this EVER happened before? Reporters arrested for simply doing their jobs? Maybe in Iran, North Korea, etc. but not in the USA.

    You act like I'm getting my news from the National Enquirer. No, I'm getting it from the most reputable news sources on the planet. Maybe Trump didn't give a direct order to arrest reporters that are reporting on something that makes him look bad, but do you think the cops didn't do it because they thought that was what the president would want them to do and would get his support for doing it?

    Did you hear that Orson Wells book "1984" is back on the best seller list for the first time in something like 40 years? Why do you suppose that is? People want to know what it's going to be like living under the thumb of "Big Brother".

    Now seriously, which one of us has his head in the sand?

    Yes, it's true that I'm not terribly happy that Trump is our president, and I wouldn't be any happier if Hilary were our president, but I'm not going to turn a blind eye on what's going on. I honestly hope Trump can do some of the things he said he was going to do. All I know is that my stocks are certainly doing better recently so I can thank Trump for that!

  8. #38
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    OK Tony, lets break down the FACTS here. You said FACTS, PLEASE DO. Donald Trump has REPEATEDLY said he is at war with the "lying, dishonest media!" Gee, why does he call the media dishonest? Because they are! He only says that if they report something that he sees as less than praise for him. Sorry, the facts are that the media selectively reported several false stories, strictly to smear him, That's the truth. Since he's so f-ing awesome YOUR words not mine, anything that sheds a less than favorable light on him must be lies and downright hostility towards him, right? YOUR assumption and opinion not mine You following along so far? Good.
    So now there are reporters simply doing their jobs, reporting on the protests and rioting Orchestrated by MOVE-ON.ORG and it's founder George Soros (which the media conveniently fails to report) see attachment. Why would they do that? BECAUSE IT'S NEWS! IT'S NOT !!!! because it was fabricated and Orchestrated by MOVE-ON.ORG that they so conveniently fail to report, it's a SHOW with no valid reasons to protest, what freedoms have they lost that merited a protest? What do you think the biggest ego in the country thought of these reporters showing the world all of the people protesting him? Protesting WHAT? What has he done to effect their lives? TELL ME !!!! absolutely NOTHING he hasnt even threatened to abolish their pacifiers. It's no secret the the Donald cares more about his image, his poll numbers, his crowd sizes, etc. etc. than anyone else in recent memory. WRONG, he cares about that the American people get the whole story and ALL of the facts that the media selectively leaves out. It's refreshing to see a president speaking with the public directly without having his messages censored by the media. Are you still following along? Yes? Good! Are you still following along?

    So do you honestly think it's inconceivable that these reporters were arrested and facing felony charges simply because they were reporting on something Trump didn't want them reporting on is really that much of a stretch? Yes indeed , you might as well have the media report that the sky is falling. Has this EVER happened before? Reporters arrested for simply doing their jobs? Maybe in Iran, North Korea, etc. but not in the USA.

    You act like I'm getting my news from the National Enquirer. No, I'm getting it from the most reputable news sources on the planet. Maybe Trump didn't give a direct order to arrest reporters that are reporting on something that makes him look bad, but do you think the cops didn't do it because they thought that was what the president would want them to do and would get his support for doing it? ABSOLUTELY absurd, based on pure speculation on your part, this is what you want to believe . Law enforcement does its best to defend and exercise the laws that are there to protect.

    Did you hear that Orson Wells book "1984" is back on the best seller list for the first time in something like 40 years? Why do you suppose that is? People want to know what it's going to be like living under the thumb of "Big Brother". I'm rolling my eyes, people said that under Trump some Americans would be hanging from trees (Hillary's email to her DNC president). people panic without even thinking things through.

    Now seriously, which one of us has his head in the sand? Must be YOU because I have not yet made assumptions or predictions from reading my crystal ball ... I have only stated to give the man a chance for at least 2 years to prove himself. ALL of this trash talking from the left is just that .... TRASH !!!!

    Yes, it's true that I'm not terribly happy that Trump is our president, NO WAY, REALLY? and I wouldn't be any happier if Hilary were our president, but I'm not going to turn a blind eye on what's going on. I honestly hope Trump can do some of the things he said he was going to do using your assumptive logic to reply .... NO YOU DON'T you want to see him fail just like your National Enquirer news channel . All I know is that my stocks are certainly doing better recently so I can thank Trump for that! YEAH and the NEWS MEDIA said that if TRUMP won the election, the stock market would see a record CRASH .... their accuracy with the Stock market matched their reporting accuracy showing trump losing in every poll, as much as by 10 points
    YOU keep believing that FAKE news that you've being spoon fed. Sorry Dennis, the news media is doing everything in their power to make sure he fails. The complete opposite of how they handled the last administration. Disgusting to say the least.

    JUST in off the HOT PRESS ..... CNN is reporting that the sky is turning orange due to our Presidents hair. Also It's being reported that Donald Trump is recalling all of those FREE OBAMA Cell phones and replacing them with alarm clocks. The most serious story being reported by the news media tonight is that this website will be shutting down in 7 days. Yeah Yeah Yeah, the news media is nothing short of a modern day story teller that wants to feel important by being part of the story. Shame on them .... Give the man time to prove himself.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  9. #39
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Train View Post
    OK Tony, lets break down the FACTS here. Donald Trump has REPEATEDLY said he is at war with the "lying, dishonest media!" Gee, why does he call the media dishonest? He only says that if they report something that he sees as less than praise for him. Since he's so f-ing awesome, anything that sheds a less than favorable light on him must be lies and downright hostility towards him, right? You following along so far? Good.
    So now there are reporters simply doing their jobs, reporting on the protests and rioting. Why would they do that? BECAUSE IT'S NEWS! What do you think the biggest ego in the country thought of these reporters showing the world all of the people protesting him? It's no secret the the Donald cares more about his image, his poll numbers, his crowd sizes, etc. etc. than anyone else in recent memory. Are you still following along? Yes? Good!

    So do you honestly think it's inconceivable that these reporters were arrested and facing felony charges simply because they were reporting on something Trump didn't want them reporting on is really that much of a stretch? Has this EVER happened before? Reporters arrested for simply doing their jobs? Maybe in Iran, North Korea, etc. but not in the USA.

    You act like I'm getting my news from the National Enquirer. No, I'm getting it from the most reputable news sources on the planet. Maybe Trump didn't give a direct order to arrest reporters that are reporting on something that makes him look bad, but do you think the cops didn't do it because they thought that was what the president would want them to do and would get his support for doing it?

    Did you hear that Orson Wells book "1984" is back on the best seller list for the first time in something like 40 years? Why do you suppose that is? People want to know what it's going to be like living under the thumb of "Big Brother".

    Now seriously, which one of us has his head in the sand?

    Yes, it's true that I'm not terribly happy that Trump is our president, and I wouldn't be any happier if Hilary were our president, but I'm not going to turn a blind eye on what's going on. I honestly hope Trump can do some of the things he said he was going to do. All I know is that my stocks are certainly doing better recently so I can thank Trump for that!
    Actually, it was the National Enquirer who broke the Monica Lewinsky story because the so-called MSM wouldn't report it. The MSM has been so battered and bruised AND, more importantly, outed by Trump showing who they really are and what they really believe. THEY were the ones, the so-called unbiased media, who manufactured phony polls, gave us the bullshit electoral maps , up into election night and reported them as news about how bad Trump was going to lose. THEY tried the worn out dragging out the women from his past, racism card ad nauseum yet everything fell flat. THEY were the ones fixated with poll numbers, everyday they told us how bad he was going to lose, old political trick, you keep pounding away on that and the people won't come out and vote because they'll say he's losing so bad it won't help. THEY were the ones who first brought up crowd size he was just answering and correcting fake news.

    Reporters arrested for doing their job - yes - during the Obama administration:

    6 more arrested:

    Obama SWAT raid on jounalist's home:

    Then we have the Obama administration using the IRS to target Conservative groups, talk about a fascist state and Orwellian. So bad and extensive was it the director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the Internal Revenue Service, Lois Lerner had repeatedly take the 5th and guess what - 424 back-up tapes, most likely to have contained her missing emails, were erased in March 2014, sound familiar?

    That Obama- a friggin Nazi

    So to say " I'm getting it from the most reputable news sources on the planet." is an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp or alone together, because there are none. They've been exposed for who they really are and were humiliated by the smartest, richest and most successful man ever to take the office, with the hottest wife.
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  10. #40
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    You are certainly a great debater. But I still just hear

    You believe what you want to believe, and I'll believe what I want to believe, and we'll have a spirited discussion about our beliefs, maybe even over a beer someday! Cheers bro!

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