Was a perfect weekend for the ride! Kinda fun to join with those "Full Wing" boys for some fun. Ha, I even got to lead a group. Hutch and I put a good show on the F6s, for the Wing Riders. There was a lot of interest in our 2 F6s. I thought I saw some "envy" in some of their eyes. Many, many questions, they had for us. Very friendly group, and some were good friends with "Monk". He was one of the Gold Wing riders (red bike), that was very helpful in Arkansas, at last years rally. And, he's a very good rider! I know there are many more of us F6 riders in the area. All are welcome on there rides. Many were from out of state, too. It's too far for us to go to Florida, to do a RTE, with Steve, so we have to do other things.