Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
Maybe its a NY thing but people get confused about arrogance and confidence. I myself have been castigated for my supposed "abrasive" style but this is just how NYers talk. What's the difference if he says, like a typical politician, " I would like to assemble a commitee to look into further supporting the legal entry of our Mexican neighbors and try and discourage those well-meaning and good intentioned individuals trying to access a better life for their families in not the best of ways." and "I will build a wall to keep those murderous and felonious illegal cocksuckers (emphasis added by taxfree4) from siphoning off hard earned tax money that should be going to legal Americans." Same church different pew. Get over it if you were a multi-billionaire with a wife like Melania AND you were president you'd be one confident prick yourself. I'm not any of those things and I'm confident and yes maybe a little arrogant, so what.

He was elected precisely because he was NOT a politician and he didn't talk the milquetoast bullshit that they do. He has to go after the media because if you don't correct the record immediately and vigorously people will think the story is true. And the way you do that is to go around the media is by Twitter so the more Twitter the better. I think he is a little too soft and he should go hardcore full bore. Don't forget these cocksuckers like Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Paul Ryan, Reince Preivus have more in common with Chuck "the serpent" Schumer than they do with Donald Trump and I think they are colluding with Dems to see that another outsider NEVER gets into their sandbox again. In the meanwhile I hope he continues in hammering the MSM, building the wall and banging Melania.
I agree with you on many levels - BUT - with all the brilliant minds we have in this country we should be able to bring one forward that knows how to talk, and, when to keep his mouth shut. Transparency at multiple levels (like taxes and business partners) would be helpful also, lest we all jump into bed with the devil. Language choice and use directly reflects both emotional I.Q an solid communication skills. We don't need leaders that use adverbs where nouns belong or nouns where verbs belong. While language tends to evolve with time and social movements the ill use of language reflects little more than a type of verbal laziness or a lack of ability to use the mind correctly. I love my New York Buddies but they know HOW to talk when they want to. Donald - well I haven't seen or "heard" him do anything much beyond the guttural grunts with a new spin. Politics suck as a whole - guess that's why the brilliant minds stay the hell away from it. The Newly appointed special prosecutor into this whole Trump admin / Russia mess is sure to make his tax records public because you know what they say and do - FOLLOW THE MONEY - All this is such a shame because our country has a lot of important business to take care of - like cutting deals with japan to make more F6B's