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Thread: NFL sucks!

  1. #21
    Senior Member 53driver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dadeo View Post
    No fan of overpaid spoiled brats but still I also hate how the NFL has added all the false paid patriotism to the game. Do you know that teams actually charge the services honor guards who appear at games? And the services justify paying for recruiting purposes? It's pathetic.All around corrupt.
    That's a change!
    When the Eagles wanted us for the big flag for pre-game, they sent a bus, gave us tickets to the game and of course while in uniform, we couldn't get past ANY tailgater without discussion and beverages.

  2. #22
    Senior Member 53driver's Avatar
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    ...better things to do...

    Spent the last 114 minutes sitting in my gazebo, with scotch & cigar, watching clouds & stars go by.
    I'm perfecting my "Nothing Box."

    Yes, I've found something much better to do than watch TV.
    My girls:
    Isleen - 2014 F6BD
    Saorla - 1995 FLSTN Heritage Special

    "Politeness, n: The most acceptable hypocrisy."
    Ambrose Bierce

  3. #23
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 53driver View Post
    Spent the last 114 minutes sitting in my gazebo, with scotch & cigar, watching clouds & stars go by.
    I'm perfecting my "Nothing Box."

    Yes, I've found something much better to do than watch TV.
    I like sitting in a tree stand... in the woods.

    21 years Army (retired)
    ...been everywhere, seen everything, done almost everything.

    IBA 80537

  4. #24
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Melt the phone lines

    1 (800) 342-5283

    This is the number to Anheuser-Busch. They want to know how you feel about NFL players kneeling during the anthem and if they should continue supporting the NFL through advertisement dollars with a quick push button survey. Let them know what you think. Call during business hours it's an automated system and asks if are calling about the
    NFL. .Press 1 and then leave your message.
    Feel free to copy and post.
    Equitare solum equitare amplius

  5. #25
    Senior Member ReserveBum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miks View Post
    Guess this is why I like motorcyclist so much - we GET IT! The American flag, how many YOUNG & BRAVE AMERICANS have fought for this country, so that these players cany can play football and have the huge contracts they have. How many of these people lost their lives, their family who went through the rest of their lives without those who lost their lives WAY too early.

    I think the education system needs to be entirely overhauled, INCLUDING the colleges and universities. What do they teach these young'uns today? Well, America is bad...the worst country in the world because these pigs developed industry, technology, and medical advancements. How? Stealing from the rest of the world???? How freaking stupid is that, but that is what they teach. Well, forget the good stuff of developing society and everything else, we are all just pigs that ruined every decent country in the world?

    WHACKED out I say

    I think if you hate this country so bad, and think it isn't fair and is full of hard working people who just exploit the weak...please just leave the country and see how great the rest of the world is! Go live there and be an idiot but get out of the way of people who freaking get up and know how to get it done!
    Bingo....that is right on.

  6. #26
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Only in America can a person go from so-called poverty, you want to see poor go outside of the US, get free education, free breakfast, free lunch, play ball, get drafted, free college get drafted into the NFL, a not for profit organization believe it or not, make more money than the whole city block they came from would make in a lifetime and would then have the audacity to kneel before a flag and during an anthem. It is the antithesis of what those two things stand for as we unite under the flag and the anthem. If there is one moment where Americans i.e. White and Black, Democrats and Republicans, Conservatives and Liberals, Christian, Muslim and Jew should put aside all differences and unite is before that flag and during that anthem. ANYONE looking to disrupt that by not honoring our synoptic vision on that specific point should be seen as an enemy, period and should be treated as such. Any freedom as in freedom of speech comes with a responsibility and this is the most irresponsible behaviour one can display, spoiled little asswipes.
    Equitare solum equitare amplius

  7. #27
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Only in America can a person go from so-called poverty, you want to see poor go outside of the US, get free education, free breakfast, free lunch, play ball, get drafted, free college get drafted into the NFL, a not for profit organization believe it or not, make more money than the whole city block they came from would make in a lifetime and would then have the audacity to kneel before a flag and during an anthem. It is the antithesis of what those two things stand for as we unite under the flag and the anthem. If there is one moment where Americans i.e. White and Black, Democrats and Republicans, Conservatives and Liberals, Christian, Muslim and Jew should put aside all differences and unite is before that flag and during that anthem. ANYONE looking to disrupt that by not honoring our synoptic vision on that specific point should be seen as an enemy, period and should be treated as such. Any freedom as in freedom of speech comes with a responsibility and this is the most irresponsible behaviour one can display, spoiled little asswipes.

    My Sunday, Monday, and any other day the NFL is on is now another good reason to take a ride or a walk on the beach which both lower my BP and let me contemplate how much I love both.

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!

  8. #28
    Senior Member 53driver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGLRY View Post
    My Sunday, Monday, and any other day the NFL is on is now another good reason to take a ride or a walk on the beach which both lower my BP and let me contemplate how much I love both.

    (see what I did there? )

  9. #29
    Senior Member 53driver's Avatar
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    Open Letter to the NFL

    Dear NFL player,

    You graduated high school in 2011. Your teenage years were a struggle. You grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Your mother was the leader of the family and worked tirelessly to keep a roof over your head and food on your plate. Academics were a struggle for you and your grades were mediocre at best. The only thing that made you stand out is you weighed 225 lbs and could run 40 yards in 4.2 seconds while carrying a football. Your best friend was just like you, except he didn’t play football. Instead of going to football practice after school, he went to work at McDonalds for minimum wage. You were recruited by all the big colleges and spent every weekend of your senior year making visits to universities where coaches and boosters tried to convince you their school was best. They laid out the red carpet for you. Your best friend worked double shifts at Mickey D’s. College was not an option for him. On the day you signed with Big State University, your best friend signed paperwork with his Army recruiter. You went to summer workouts. He went to basic training.

    You spent the next four years living in the athletic dorm, eating at the training table. You spent your Saturdays on the football field, cheered on by adoring fans. Tutors attended to your every academic need. You attended class when you felt like it. Sure, you worked hard. You lifted weights, ran sprints, studied plays, and soon became one of the top football players in the country. Your best friend was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. While you were in college, he deployed to Iraq once and Afghanistan twice. He became a Sergeant and led a squad of 19 year old soldiers who grew up just like he did. He shed his blood in Afghanistan and watched young American's give their lives, limbs, and innocence for the USA.

    You went to the NFL combine and scored off the charts. You hired an agent and waited for draft day. You were drafted in the first round and your agent immediately went to work, ensuring that you received the most money possible. You signed for $16 million although you had never played a single down of professional football. Your best friend re-enlisted in the Army for four more years. As a combat tested sergeant, he will be paid $32,000 per year.

    You will drive a Ferrari on the streets of South Beach. He will ride in the back of a Blackhawk helicopter with 10 other combat loaded soldiers. You will sleep at the Ritz. He will dig a hole in the ground and try to sleep. You will “make it rain” in the club. He will pray for rain as the temperature reaches 120 degrees.

    On Sunday, you will run into a stadium as tens of thousands of fans cheer and yell your name. For your best friend, there is little difference between Sunday and any other day of the week. There are no adoring fans. There are only people trying to kill him and his soldiers. Every now and then, he and his soldiers leave the front lines and “go to the rear” to rest. He might be lucky enough to catch an NFL game on TV. When the National Anthem plays and you take a knee, he will jump to his feet and salute the television. While you protest the unfairness of life in the United States, he will give thanks to God that he has the honor of defending his great country.

    To the players of the NFL: We are the people who buy your tickets, watch you on TV, and wear your jerseys. We anxiously wait for Sundays so we can cheer for you and marvel at your athleticism. Although we love to watch you play, we care little about your opinions until you offend us. You have the absolute right to express yourselves, but we have the absolute right to boycott you. We have tolerated your drug use and DUIs, your domestic violence, and your vulgar displays of wealth. We should be ashamed for putting our admiration of your physical skills before what is morally right. But now you have gone too far. You have insulted our flag, our country, our soldiers, our police officers, and our veterans. You are living the American dream, yet you disparage our great country. I am done with NFL football and encourage all likeminded Americans to boycott the NFL as well.
    My girls:
    Isleen - 2014 F6BD
    Saorla - 1995 FLSTN Heritage Special

    "Politeness, n: The most acceptable hypocrisy."
    Ambrose Bierce

  10. #30
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 53driver View Post
    Dear NFL player,

    You graduated high school in 2011. Your teenage years were a struggle. You grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Your mother was the leader of the family and worked tirelessly to keep a roof over your head and food on your plate. Academics were a struggle for you and your grades were mediocre at best. The only thing that made you stand out is you weighed 225 lbs and could run 40 yards in 4.2 seconds while carrying a football. Your best friend was just like you, except he didn’t play football. Instead of going to football practice after school, he went to work at McDonalds for minimum wage. You were recruited by all the big colleges and spent every weekend of your senior year making visits to universities where coaches and boosters tried to convince you their school was best. They laid out the red carpet for you. Your best friend worked double shifts at Mickey D’s. College was not an option for him. On the day you signed with Big State University, your best friend signed paperwork with his Army recruiter. You went to summer workouts. He went to basic training.

    You spent the next four years living in the athletic dorm, eating at the training table. You spent your Saturdays on the football field, cheered on by adoring fans. Tutors attended to your every academic need. You attended class when you felt like it. Sure, you worked hard. You lifted weights, ran sprints, studied plays, and soon became one of the top football players in the country. Your best friend was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. While you were in college, he deployed to Iraq once and Afghanistan twice. He became a Sergeant and led a squad of 19 year old soldiers who grew up just like he did. He shed his blood in Afghanistan and watched young American's give their lives, limbs, and innocence for the USA.

    You went to the NFL combine and scored off the charts. You hired an agent and waited for draft day. You were drafted in the first round and your agent immediately went to work, ensuring that you received the most money possible. You signed for $16 million although you had never played a single down of professional football. Your best friend re-enlisted in the Army for four more years. As a combat tested sergeant, he will be paid $32,000 per year.

    You will drive a Ferrari on the streets of South Beach. He will ride in the back of a Blackhawk helicopter with 10 other combat loaded soldiers. You will sleep at the Ritz. He will dig a hole in the ground and try to sleep. You will “make it rain” in the club. He will pray for rain as the temperature reaches 120 degrees.

    On Sunday, you will run into a stadium as tens of thousands of fans cheer and yell your name. For your best friend, there is little difference between Sunday and any other day of the week. There are no adoring fans. There are only people trying to kill him and his soldiers. Every now and then, he and his soldiers leave the front lines and “go to the rear” to rest. He might be lucky enough to catch an NFL game on TV. When the National Anthem plays and you take a knee, he will jump to his feet and salute the television. While you protest the unfairness of life in the United States, he will give thanks to God that he has the honor of defending his great country.

    To the players of the NFL: We are the people who buy your tickets, watch you on TV, and wear your jerseys. We anxiously wait for Sundays so we can cheer for you and marvel at your athleticism. Although we love to watch you play, we care little about your opinions until you offend us. You have the absolute right to express yourselves, but we have the absolute right to boycott you. We have tolerated your drug use and DUIs, your domestic violence, and your vulgar displays of wealth. We should be ashamed for putting our admiration of your physical skills before what is morally right. But now you have gone too far. You have insulted our flag, our country, our soldiers, our police officers, and our veterans. You are living the American dream, yet you disparage our great country. I am done with NFL football and encourage all likeminded Americans to boycott the NFL as well.
    Well said!

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!

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