What do you think makes O2 and why does it REQUIRE CO2 ? It used to be common knowledge for school children that O2 and CO2 was the cycle of life here on planet Earth. Ever notice how Glow-Bull-Warmin's fanatics now use the term "CARBON FOOTPRINT" instead of "CO2 FOOTPRINT"? It is to make public erroneously think CO2 is actually poison, like carbon monoxide (CO), which it is not.

Here is some more information on Glow-Bull-Warmin's CHIEF PROFIT (with an f $$$, not a prophet).

"... Al Gore's used over 20 times more energy to power his [Nashville, TN] home for a year than the average American, according to a report published on Wednesday. [NOTE: This does NOT include his other properties or vehicles.]

The National Center for Public Policy Research reported that Gore's Nashville home used a total of 230,889 kilowatt hours of electricity from August 2016 to July 2017. The average U.S. residential utility customer used 10,812 kWh in 2015, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. ..."


Quote Originally Posted by dadeo View Post
What a stupid uneducated biased response. Your statement is almost verbatum out of the denier handbook, courtesy of the Koch Bros.

If CO2 is so good for you, why don't you try breathing it at high concentrations sometime?

CO2 is necessary for PLANT life, and plants don't need more than VERY LOW LOW LEVELS in our atmosphere. Like less thn 1%. At higher concentrations IT IS POISON. You can't breath it at a certain level and its greenhouse effect is well docmnented in experiments, and has been for 100+ years.

If you If don't think CO2 can be harmful to human health at pretty low levels, ask the guys in who rode Apollo 13 back to earth, who had to figure out away to filter CO2 out of the ship. (You DO believe that Americans went to the moon don't you?) Note: they had plenty of oxygen. CO2 was the issue.

Like I said in my original post: Deniers would rather risk our future than take reasonable acts to reduce pollution and make our planet healthier. I'd rather risk paying now to reduce our use of coal, gas and other polluting fuels in favor of solar, wind, and yes even nuclear power (if we can fitgure out how do so safely). Deniers are not conservatives, not in the traditional, historic sense of the word. They are stupid.