Quote Originally Posted by 3Chief View Post
I may very well be ignorant of some nuance of the law, but then again if I'm minding my own business and walking my dog in the vicinity of my home the LEO in question would have no probable cause to stop me. In my state at least, to my knowledge. I've done a great many things without having my ID and I've had interactions with LEO's and it's never been an issue. Like others have said be polite, respectful but mostly be honest. If there truly is an issue the LEO in question may very well detain me until my identity can be verified. It's never happened to me, however we know it's happened to many others. Either way my ignorance of the nuances surrounding laws governing whether or not I must carry ID at all times pales in comparison to your arrogance in assuming that the statutes governing those laws are the same from municipality to municipality. And no, it's 50/50 whether or not I'd have my phone on me however it wouldn't matter as I don't have a camera on my phone.
Ignorance of the law is never a defense nor an excuse. How else is the officer going to know if you are in the vicinity of your home if he can't identify where you live? He's going to take your word for it? You answered your own question.