Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
I'll say it again, in Stop and ID states, and NY is, whether you're walking your dog, petting your pussy, picking your nose when an officer asks you for ID and you refuse it is a crime and you will be detained. The caveat is there must be a suspicion of criminal activity so being that in any given area anywhere there are pending robberies, rapes, burglaries etc. with suspects that haven't been caught where the perps may fit your description, there's your suspicion. Now if you open your big mouth as it looks like you're the guy that tells them "I'm not showing you my ID, and BTW I pay your salary". Then combined with your non cooperation, against your father's advice, and further refusal to provide ID that's grounds for taking you in. You see the law is written for them not you and as your father knows we are under Public Policy so that gives the judge tremendous latitude. So if you think not carrying ID is the hill you want to die on, be my guest you will lose every single time and keep a lawyer on retainer. There is no law requiring you to pay an Income Tax or Withholding, and I did it for years hence the username, yet when you refuse the law exists and you are guilty, same here. Millions of people are fined, their pay garnished, imprisoned and property seized for non payment. Do you stand outside the IRS and say I'm not paying because I'm not required?
You are right that a few states / localities have passed laws requiring the production of an ID on demand. BUT no such law as withstood a review all the way to Supremes... NY's came closes with stop and frisk, but I believe Rudy (or successor) dropped the case at the state level Appeal Ct level ( his attorneys told him they'd lose). I think we agree that anyone who give a copper a hard time is probably going to need someone like my Dad! But, someone who is cooperative is not likely to need one, if he self identifies and doesn't seem suspicious. Moreso, I agree that the only way you are going to successfully defend your right to walk that dog without ID (assuming a copper wants to push it) is to get someone like my Dad to defend you after the fact. That or the ACLU perhaps. On the other hand,, the locality paying that cop may hand out a large settlement -- depending on how far the copper and the dog walker take the issue...... Seen that too.

On taxes... Unfortunately, Congress did pass a law authorizing the income tax and there was a constitutional amendment back in the early part of the 20th Century making such a tax constitutional, although I don't believe the words "income tax" are in the text of the amendment. Btw, I F-ing hate the current income tax, and I don't like how much Congress delegated to the IRS via those laws: a whole lot of powers were given to the IRS to enact unending regulations to collect. However unfortunately, the courts have held that those regulations do have the force of law. So you can't say those regulations are not law. They "suck", but they are law.

We have a mixed system of legislated, regulatory and common law that dates back to the English. The "law" is not only what the legislature at the state or federal level passed, but it is also all the regulations that executive agencies write (as a result of what the legislature passed), AND all the opinions that courts have made about both. It would be more accurate if you'd said that the specific laws that Congress passed do not mention withholding specifically. However, the IRS issued regulations that ARE based on what Congress passed and the courts have upheld the IRS saying that withholding is one of several acceptable methods (and are mentioned in the regs) to make those payments. So withholding is in fact, "law" in good ol USA. BTW, it sounds like you know that if you fail to pay enough each quarter you will accrue interest and penalties, under the law. Something I am also familiar with. (groan)...