Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
So what he found on the internet is wrong but what you found on the internet is right, I've done this too many years with too much research under my belt to even entertain an argument. You have no idea what you're saying even though you found all the answers on the internet and we know everything on the internet is true. It's Cognitive Dissonance, I've seen it over and over again you only believe what you're told and can't imagine it ever being a lie. So mail your check in like a good taxpayer. Tax lawyers, rat bastards that they are, wouldn't have a profession if it wasn't for this farce and they'd actually have to go out and get a real job. BTW, Lawyers are the only profession condemned in the bible...twice. There mere fact you said that you don't know why the agency didn't come after me doubting it had anything to do about how the agency was authorized tells me you are clueless on this subject as it has EVERYTHING to do with whether they are authorized. The IRS is a trust out of PR, even though you don't believe it, and that fact was known before the internet existed but you would have to actually have been in the movement to know it, stop Google searching to find your answers it's not impressive. Do you think when you look up Chase Bank they'll tell you that all banks are chartered in the City of London? Wake up. The The NFL Sucks
Okay. Let's just say that we disagree and leave it at that.