Quote Originally Posted by ths61 View Post
How is the Drive 60 working for you ? The larger screen should be more glove friendly.
Had my first real workout of the Drive 60 this last weekend with a trip to TN for an annual Veteran's Day Ride that Crazyhorse puts on. I had set up a route down and back plus a ride during the day on Saturday using Basecamp. I am very pleased and the 6" display does work pretty well with my gloved hand, even in the rain proof case I bought that it resides in on my bike. So far no complaints.

Not a very good picture and my bike is pretty dusty after the weekend ride. Rode several miles on some back gravel roads. Lot's of fun. This will give you an idea of how it is mounted in the case onto the cross bar of my Helibars. The picture angle is deceiving. I do have full view of the bike's LCD info screen if you were wondering.