Quote Originally Posted by Ixol Phaane View Post
Oh, I’m sorry. When you say “facts”, are you referring to that nonsensical garbage that you presented in the form of opinion/editorial in your prior message? This stuff...

Originally Posted by ths61...
”Do you really think this was a fair trial (and not a political statement/coverup) in a sanctuary state court system, in a sanctuary state, in a sanctuary city with a liberal defense, liberal judge, liberal prosecution, suppression of evidence, coverup of failed sanctuary polices and liberal agencies that allowed the perp to murder and failure of the liberal prosecutor to present unbiased documented laboratory evidence to debunk the fabricated testimony?”

Apparently you have trouble distinguishing fact from opinion. Just because something spews across your keyboard from the depths of your brain doesn’t make it factual, no matter how many times you regurgitate it.

If you’re really interested in debating the issues, I’ll go there with you. I could use the entertainment. Bring your substantiated points and cite your sources and lets see what happens.
Again, you ignored all of the facts including suppression of priors (probably eligible for the 3 strikes law), suppression of evidence, failure of the prosecution to have the gun tested, failure to charge for a plethora of applicable associated violations, violating federal immigration laws by both the illegal alien and the state, etc., etc. etc.. Those are all facts, not opinions. Nice obfuscation though.

BTW, the DOJ just unsealed an arrest warrant for the POS.