I would like to THANK all of you for the well wishes. I appreciate that.

I got home today about 1:30 pm, after being released from the hospital earlier, and then a previously scheduled doctors appt. as a follow-up to the surgery from yesterday. The doc this morning was the surgeon that cut me open and sewed me back up. According to him, the surgery went very well. He said that once he got in there, the forward 2/3 of my right ear drum was completely gone, and onloy the back 1/3 of the ear drum was still there. They took a skin graft from the backside of my ear (outside) and inserted it on the inside of my ear drum, then backfilled the space further inside the ear drum area with a disolvable jel, to fill that space and put pressure on the new skin graft, to help it adhere to the ear drum. Then he placed my ear back in correct alignment (I checked) and sewed it back in place.

Today, no pain, and I am off the pain meds. Now I only take the antibiotics. I am not into pain meds, so the faster I get off them the better.

He says it will take about 2 months for the dissolvable jel to dissipate to the point of being gone, so that the new ear drum can function properly, and he does not plan to do a hearing test for up to 6 months from now.

No riding for 2 months (yeah, sure), and no flying for that same time. No blowing of the nose either.

BTW, the issue yesterday by the anesthesiologist was far too much meds...and it did not put me in a medicaly induced coma, but damn close to it. Had my wife not intervened (she is a doctor too), then I have have been worse off. Good to have someone close watching my back. They will be discussing what he did wrong, and changes will be implemented. The surgery I had is designed to be an outpatient procedure, with the operation taking about 2 hours. Due to the slip up by the anesthesiologist, and I couldn't wake up on my own, they had to transport me next door to the hospital, and medically wake me back up, and then I was "wired" awake since yesterday. Awake all night long, and have not slept since yesterday afternoon. At least I got a private room, and they are paying for all of that.

So, I am home, I am feeling fine, very much up and around, and have to remind myself not to overdo it.

Again, thank you for all the well wishes.