A couple of years ago on a ride south to Mazatlan I started the day normally enough in Utah riding south toward Nogales. As I got closer to Tuscan the temp started to rise reaching 115 on the f6b thermo and stayed there for a solid hour and a half. Tuscan ain't big but stuck in that rush hour traffic it was the closest to an emergency I've ever experienced. So this August the wife and I are doing Vegas, she takes the scheduled airline and I take the blazing saddles flight on the f6b. Anyway, check out this vest. Some of the reviewers are bikers. I bought one and I'm impressed. I haven't used it yet but they tell you to soak it before it's first use. It took over 24 hours to dry outside in the back yard. Of course it will take less time in the wind but I'm optimistic. I'll also get a camel back. That is the second link below.

