FINALLY, AFTER 28 YEARS Got on Limbaugh
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Thread: FINALLY, AFTER 28 YEARS Got on Limbaugh

  1. #1
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    FINALLY, AFTER 28 YEARS Got on Limbaugh

    He tried to hold me through the break and ask me a question but I was cut off so they called me back and sent me a bunch of stuff from the store.
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  2. #2
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    Congrats. I was listening and you're 100% correct. Conservatism is dead in DC. I hope the Senate pussies do the right thing for once and confirm judge K. Any Democrat or liberal who are ok with this vile attack on a man and his family should be ashamed. Unfortunately most aren't. Educated trash.

  3. #3
    I like what POTUS said today about how all of a sudden when it comes to Republicans it's Guilty until proven innocent. A total reversal of what is right. Didn't get to hear it but Congrats Tax.

  4. #4
    Senior Member olegoat345's Avatar
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    Sooo it's the Dems fault, that Judge "K" got drunk, grouped & tried to rape HS girls & was involved in gang rapes of drunk girls & women when he was in college? Those damn Dems!! They're at it again!! The damn Dems made him do it, they should be a shame of themselves. But it's okay if he did do it, 'cause Father Trump said it was & we all know Father Trump is perfect.

  5. #5
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    Funny how its alway guilty until proven innocent when it comes to republicans but bill clinton could rape broderic and all you heard was crickets. As far as Judge K funny how all of the accusers witnesses say it never happened.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Cali261's Avatar
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    The Dems have gone the nuclear route, win at all costs and anyone between them and power is dispensable. Destroying a well qualified, honorable man is part of doing business. Thuggishly following people into restaurants and hounding them relentlessly is the new normal. How have we gotten to the point where you can’t just disagree with someone, you have to “hate” them. People that do not agree with your particular point of view are to be shouted down and run off campus. Safe spaces have to be created for fragile individuals who can’t tolerate ideas outside of their own. I feel sad for our country, and for the blood that has been shed by countless young men and women to protect the rights of those that use those same rights to silence others. Those who demand tolerance, but offer none in return. I can respect others points of view if we can have an exchange of ideas without personal attacks. I hope the rule of law prevails, “innocent until proven guilty”. If it does not, God help us. I believe that more and more, both parties are representing less and less of us. Very sad.

    Btw, congrats on making it on Rush. Do you ever listen to Mark Levin?
    Last edited by Cali261; 09-27-2018 at 12:28 AM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olegoat345 View Post
    Sooo it's the Dems fault, that Judge "K" got drunk, grouped & tried to rape HS girls & was involved in gang rapes of drunk girls & women when he was in college? Those damn Dems!! They're at it again!! The damn Dems made him do it, they should be a shame of themselves. But it's okay if he did do it, 'cause Father Trump said it was & we all know Father Trump is perfect.
    You missed the point completely but I expect that from a liberal they hear what they want. First, not one of these fairy tales with the evidence they have would get anyone a ticket no less arrested. My main point was just the opposite goat, no one should b surprised at what the Democrats are doing as we know they are lowlifes, they displayed that in '91 with that other lying cunt Anita Hill, who also had no corroborating witnesses. The reason we are at this point is because the incompetent leadership at the GOP thought with the most important confirmation in our lifetime let's put Elmer Fudd GrASSley in the Chair an incompetent fool. He then goes and stops a vote on that most important confirmation of a lifetime on an allegation that doesn't even rise to the level of reasonable suspicion, legally. And everytime a Republican goes in front of a camera and says how weak the evidence is in Blasey Ford's story they're telegraphing how incompetent.GrASSley is. My point was the incompetence of the GOP, GrASSley and the need for a national Conservative Party. The GOP uses the Conservative vote like the Dems use the black vote i.e. give us your $, show up and vote for our guy, thanks we'll take it from here. With our own national party, as we have here in NY, we control the $, our vote and our candidates and leave the eunuchs in the GOP to wither and die, but thanks for missing the point COMPLETELY. You're lucky you're a "B" owner, it redeems you somewhat, not much
    Last edited by taxfree4; 09-27-2018 at 01:19 AM.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cali261 View Post
    The Dems have gone the nuclear route, win at all costs and anyone between them and power is dispensable. Destroying a well qualified, honorable man is part of doing business. Thuggishly following people into restaurants and hounding them relentlessly is the new normal. How have we gotten to the point where you can’t just disagree with someone, you have to “hate” them. People that do not agree with your particular point of view are to be shouted down and run off campus. Safe spaces have to be created for fragile individuals who can’t tolerate ideas outside of their own. I feel sad for our country, and for the blood that has been shed by countless young men and women to protect the rights of those that use those same rights to silence others. Those who demand tolerance, but offer none in return. I can respect others points of view if we can have an exchange of ideas without personal attacks. I hope the rule of law prevails, “innocent until proven guilty”. If it does not, God help us. I believe that more and more, both parties are representing less and less of us. Very sad.

    Btw, congrats on making it on Rush. Do you ever listen to Mark Levin?
    Civility doesn't exist anymore in politics, you can't just disagree anymore shake hands and walk away because politics has become part of people's identity so when you insult their party you insult them. It has become feminized like everything else so intellect is out and feelings are all that matter. It's like one big "The View" episode. I catch Levin every once in a while.
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  9. #9
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    WOW, I had a whole paragraph typed out before I got afraid to actually say it.
    Is that what we are now? Civil little bunnies?
    I though this was AMERICA.
    My pitch fork is sharp, and my torch is ready.

  10. #10
    Senior Member ReserveBum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cali261 View Post
    The Dems have gone the nuclear route, win at all costs and anyone between them and power is dispensable. Destroying a well qualified, honorable man is part of doing business. Thuggishly following people into restaurants and hounding them relentlessly is the new normal. How have we gotten to the point where you can’t just disagree with someone, you have to “hate” them. People that do not agree with your particular point of view are to be shouted down and run off campus. Safe spaces have to be created for fragile individuals who can’t tolerate ideas outside of their own. I feel sad for our country, and for the blood that has been shed by countless young men and women to protect the rights of those that use those same rights to silence others. Those who demand tolerance, but offer none in return. I can respect others points of view if we can have an exchange of ideas without personal attacks. I hope the rule of law prevails, “innocent until proven guilty”. If it does not, God help us. I believe that more and more, both parties are representing less and less of us. Very sad.

    Btw, congrats on making it on Rush. Do you ever listen to Mark Levin?
    Well said. Could not agree more

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