FINALLY, AFTER 28 YEARS Got on Limbaugh - Page 2
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Thread: FINALLY, AFTER 28 YEARS Got on Limbaugh

  1. #11
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    I think the biggest thing this is showing us is how close we came to sending our country over the cliff in the last presidential election. These socialists who are defaulting to hate, violence and character assassination came close to being in power.

    Imagine if you will, an America governed by the swamp for another 4 years? An America where lies, graft and disdain for our Constitution was the norm for another 4 years? An America whose Supreme Court which is supposed to interpret Constitutional law doesn't accept or believe in our Constitutional Rights or even our Constitution itself? An America where everyone that disagrees with the establishment is attacked by the IRS? An America where sending guns to Mexican cartels to help with anti-gun propaganda is acceptable? An America which puts the interests of illegals before the interests of American citizens? An America which encourages industry to move manufacturing to other countries? An American government which, like Obama, supports anything that hurts America and opposes anything that helps America?

    We nearly became the generation that threw away everything our ancestors gave their lives to preserve. We aren't out of the woods yet as this "dog and pony show" clearly shows but we do still have a chance to preserve our liberty. November's elections will largely determine what happens, do we save our country, do we continue our amazing journey of freedom, do we continue to pursue the dream of our Founders, or do we flush our liberty down the drain?
    "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
    And... moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.''
    -- Barry Goldwater, Acceptance Speech at the Republican Convention; 1964

  2. #12
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frye View Post

    I think the biggest thing this is showing us is how close we came to sending our country over the cliff in the last presidential election. These socialists who are defaulting to hate, violence and character assassination came close to being in power.

    Imagine if you will, an America governed by the swamp for another 4 years? An America where lies, graft and disdain for our Constitution was the norm for another 4 years? An America whose Supreme Court which is supposed to interpret Constitutional law doesn't accept or believe in our Constitutional Rights or even our Constitution itself? An America where everyone that disagrees with the establishment is attacked by the IRS? An America where sending guns to Mexican cartels to help with anti-gun propaganda is acceptable? An America which puts the interests of illegals before the interests of American citizens? An America which encourages industry to move manufacturing to other countries? An American government which, like Obama, supports anything that hurts America and opposes anything that helps America?

    We nearly became the generation that threw away everything our ancestors gave their lives to preserve. We aren't out of the woods yet as this "dog and pony show" clearly shows but we do still have a chance to preserve our liberty. November's elections will largely determine what happens, do we save our country, do we continue our amazing journey of freedom, do we continue to pursue the dream of our Founders, or do we flush our liberty down the drain?
    Agreed, we were one lesbian in a pantsuit away from total destruction of life as we know it. The Court would have been tipped for generations and the destruction it would have wrought would have been devastating with the inability to recover.
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by olegoat345 View Post
    Sooo it's the Dems fault, that Judge "K" got drunk, grouped & tried to rape HS girls & was involved in gang rapes of drunk girls & women when he was in college? Those damn Dems!! They're at it again!! The damn Dems made him do it, they should be a shame of themselves. But it's okay if he did do it, 'cause Father Trump said it was & we all know Father Trump is perfect.
    Mr "voter of both sides of the isle" spouting leftist bullshit again. Shocker!

  4. #14
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ewreck View Post
    Mr "voter of both sides of the isle" spouting leftist bullshit again. Shocker!
    Independents remind me of bisexuals - make up your mind. His only redeeming quality is he owns a "B".
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  5. #15
    Senior Member olegoat345's Avatar
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    Be it GOP or Dem either party, it would be their sworn duty to America to bring forward (be the messenger) the man or woman that was "done wrong" & let them be heard by the powers that be, before such a very important decision was made.
    Instead of "shooting the messenger" why not listen to the message, the person that claims to have been "done wrong" & let the powers that be decide. If this guy doesn't make the grade for whatever reason, go the next person. Trump has a long list of people he likes. I wouldn't be pissed at the GOP if they did the same thing that some folks are pissed at the Dems. for doing. I would say, "great, they are doing their job." It doesn't have to be a "left or right thing," it has to be about "what's right for all Americans" no matter which side of the fence you're on.

  6. #16
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    "Done wrong" is prejudging Kavanaugh and saying she's telling the truth. Before that a supposed crime has to rise to the level of "reasonable suspicion" in order for it to be valid. This story she's telling didn't rise to that level and would be laughed out of every precinct in the US. That's why she didn't go to the police, no corroboration. It's bullshit. 6 FBI background checks turned up nothing, 36 years later, at the 11th hour, she spends the weekend scrubbing her social media, that's always the actions of someone who's telling the truth. You're delusional. By her own admission she drank a lot booze and took a lot of cock, girls like that never remember who they're with, the numbers are too high. I do have a question for her - with all that cock how did she make that tricky U-turn and wear white for her wedding.
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  7. #17
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    I cant believ Kavanaugh grilled for this crap.Let's hope Americans see through this b.s.Frankly all dems should be embarrassed .

  8. #18
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blk6bgg6 View Post
    I cant believ Kavanaugh grilled for this crap.Let's hope Americans see through this b.s.Frankly all dems should be embarrassed .
    Had the incompetent Elmer Fudd Grassley kept the vote Associate Justice Brett Kavavnaugh would be trying on his new robe instead of trying to shed a false claim. A party in control of 2 branches of government doesn't have the luxury to play the victim and blame the Democrats.
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  9. #19
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    For sure ,some of the so Republicas aren't worth a shit.Weak kneed pussies that won't make a stand .It should not have come to this.Political correctness etc. Scares some of out leaders from standing for what elected for.Say what you want of our President but he let's fly back at the left,this big part why he was elected.Now getting all of em to stand against this shit is another story.

  10. #20
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    That's why I was telling Rush Conservatives need a separate party like we have here in NY. The GOP uses the Cons vote like Dems ise the black up when we tell you, vote for our guy, give us your $, thanks we'll take it from here.
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