Quote Originally Posted by GaTeach View Post
Good god.
I knew there was one beta male on this forum. Now I find out there are a couple of more.

Thanks to those of you standing up against this tyranny. Credible, my ass.

I gotta stay away from the off topic area
Amen. I would like to one of these "believers" put their family members up for sacrafice against her rock solid testimony.

Known facts.
She lied about fear of flying
She lied about why she has two front doors
She banged over 65 males through HS and college
She scrubbed her social media
All her witnesses says she's full of crap
She admits to being a drunk
She doesn't know when, where, how, or what but she's 100% it's him.
She still hasn't filed a charge in county of alleged grope.

The alleged men on this sight believing her "tale" are either trolling everyone or need to retake some civics courses. I would like to believe it's trolling but sadly I know better.