This has been coming for years. Since the late 60s, the motorcycle industry's fortunes have depended heavily on the baby boomer generation. Business in the 70s was great, then cooled in the 80s as boomers had families. Harley didn't fare well in those days because affordable, faster bikes from Japan were so popular.

When the boomers reentered the market, they bought bikes aimed at older riders, so Harley and BMW saw sales numbers like they'd never seen before. But now these old riders are retiring, riding less, or not at all. Harley sales are falling, and I'm sure others will too. When I go to a rally and a guy pushing 40 gets the 'youngest rider' award, I know the industry has big problems ahead! I'm pleasantly surprised we still have so many great bikes to choose from, but we may someday look back on these days as a 'golden age'.