Quote Originally Posted by 53driver View Post
As a Basic Rider Course Coach, we discuss the concepts of long trip planning. Not that one has to have gas station & potty breaks mapped out to a specific minute, but gas in Nebraska "can" be scarce if you have a 3 gallon tank!

Most trips begin with a "concept" - which you alluded too.
A tentative route is agreed upon by all parties. Tentative because yes, trips do evolve as opportunities present themselves.
Then bike logistics are discussed and prepped for. Will the trip require new tires before or during? Oil changes? Any other maintenance before or during? Spare one gallon gas cans on the back?
Then a start date is cemented in place.
Then people start dropping out for various reasons - family issues, bike issues, personal health, work, etc.
Final deliberate planning should be about one week prior with those who remain standing. This would include overnight stopping points, lodging, and chow.

As you discovered, many people don't think this far ahead - especially if they think they will have cell phone signal and unlimited use of plastic along the way.
Some remote stations only take cash - and a lot of it.
Some remote "cowboy motels" only take cash too.

Best of luck.
Final thought: there is no interest like self-interest.