I've ridden the DCT twice now.
Of the 4 modes, anything besides Sport is just silly.

One important thing to remember, and this is pure physics:
The DCT is just that - TWO clutches.
Are two quicker than one? Yes, there is a milli-second between when Clutch 1 transfers duties to Clutch 2, but that's it. Literally a fraction of a second with no loss of power to the rear wheel
I'm really good at shifting Isleen very quickly, but I'm not sure I can shift as fast I witnessed on a DCT.
Where the F6B will succeed, IMHO, is that the DCT, even in sport mode, didn't wind up to the rev limiter in 1st & 2d gears as fast as the F6B. Computer controlled I suppose.
SO yes, two riders, then switching bikes.

I'm waiting.......