According to Pirsig, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" Quality is made up from two approaches, Classic & Romantic.
The Classic approach takes the underlying form and derives Quality from a very scientific perspective.
The Romantic view looks at the whole entity and derives Quality from the overall effect on the individual.

Some people like to be in complete control of everything.
Others are content with chosen aspects of their 'everything' relegated to some sort of automation.
This goes to everything from riding, to cooking, to purchasing almost anything, to paying taxes.

It's not that one way is superior, or even better, it's just the way we choose to think.

PS - as a first born son & aircraft pilot, I have learned that I am a controller. I need to be in charge of everything that affects me.
How do I "control" the paying taxes gig? I vote, and I delegate that process to my wife who really enjoys numbers.