Dyna Beads sound so good that it makes one wonder why they aren't in universal use.

I have a couple of questions:

When mounting new tires and adding the beads, would normal balancing with weights be advisable?, optional?, wrong?, etc.?

This may be a rather dumb question. Can the Dyna Beads be added to inflated bike tires? I'd like to add the beads now but the tires have only about 1,500 miles on them and I don't really want to go to the time and expense of having them taken off to add the beads. If the tire needs to be deflated to add the beads, it would seem that this could be done on the centerstand. Right or wrong?

The Dyna Bead site mentioned a filtered valve stem. That's an unfamiliar term to me. Can anyone explain that to me?

Thanks to all who have experience with the Dyna Beads and can help with my questions.