I created the Montrose F6B 2020 collection on Basecamp (yes, be sure you are using the detailed maps and not just the high level ones — I updated to the most current maps before creating) and confirmed that they were fine when I sent them to my Garmin.

When you bring them up in Basecamp (if you use that), you should recalculate the route using your maps. I used the motorcycle profile and fastest routing. When I imported them into my GPS, I had it recalculate the routing using the maps in the GPS and confirmed that they were correct.

Quote Originally Posted by jmdaniel View Post
I looked at a few of them, and there are some issues:

Black Canyon - This is simply a collection of Waypoints, and the Route is walking, which we're not doing. It appears to be imported from Rever. Easy to fix by adding the hotel as the start/stop of a Route, changing it to a Motorcycle map. SeaSteve, this is one of yours, let me know if you want help fixing it up. I didn't look at your other ones.

Bedrock Store - Three different routes, could probably be combined into one.

Montrose_F6B-2020 - These 5 maps are all fine. I initially was just getting straight lines between the waypoints, until I discovered I was using the Global map, (under Maps on the top menu bar). When I changed that, everything was fine. Chris, that is probably your issue. Nice job, Dave!