Quote Originally Posted by masonmike View Post
Thanks for all your interest and the many suggestions guys. We have electrical engineers on this forum, good to know. Surprised by all the attention this thread was getting, I decided to take the suggestion and carefully double check the fuse box. By the way, the fuse box diagram sent does't resemble mine in the least. I have at least 8 empty spaces. That being said, when initially checking out the problem, I must have put the fuse for the clock back in the wrong spot. Behold!!! Now the clock works, as well as the radio! Yet, the radio has it's own separate fuse, which was perfectly fine. Another mystery? Problem solved! It was probably the reset by disconnecting the battery, that initially resolved the problem. Those damn gremlins! I'm sorry the solution wasn't more technical. Yes, I feel like an dummy, but a very happy dummy. Thanks again for all your interest.
Good job, and thanks for the follow up! Which fuse was that that controlled the clock? TIA