Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
I don't know if this feature is on the previous generation but you can adjust the sensitivity of the unit by turning on the hi-beam switch and quickly do an on/off 3x with the ignition. Does your unit have that feature?
Mike, yes I have that feature. However I installed the modulating units on the low beam, so I don’t think manipulating the high beam switch will change the sensitivity. Could be wrong on that though I haven’t had the need to adjust the sensitivity.

Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
It would be advisable to print out the Federal Law, which trumps any state law, that allows "modulating" lights, as opposed to "flashing" lights, as there is a legal difference. You will eventually be stopped. Even though you present it to the cop he may still write you but you'll beat it in court.
Yep, I carry the Kisan manual with me, it has mention of that Federal Law which allows modulation of motorcycle headlights. I have had one incident where a Howard country cop wrote me a ticket, despite my best efforts to educate him. Called their Popo Internal Affairs later that day and the next morning, a detective was calling me up, apologizing and voiding the ticket, and erasing it from the state database as well.

A Maryland State Trooper pulled me over once too, but he made a quick call to his dispatcher and confirmed they were allowed.

So I’ve only been pulled over twice in the decades I have been running them. More often than not, traffic gets out of my way or someone will infrequently pull over, thinking I’m the Popo. Wearing a white helmet with black visor probably accentuates the look.