Quote Originally Posted by dickiedeals View Post
Between 37 and 42 mph I experience a slight front end wobble or shimmy. Its more noticeable when coming to a stop but if I go a steady 40mph its steady wiggle as well. The tire is the correct inflation. I've never experienced this on any motorcycle and I've owned 100's. Has anyone else encountered this? Corrected it? Any ideas on how to make it go away?................Dickie
The old Honda headshake rears its ugly head again. Yep, I've had it on every Gold Wing I've owned. Except this one. I always noticed it at a slightly lower speed when slowing down. Especially if I was decelerating and took both hands off the bars to do something like zip up a jacket. FWIW, I also noticed it on later model Harley's after they switched to the smaller front tire. If unchecked, it would turn into a tank slapper on both brands. Do you have a forkbrace? Just fishing, don't know if that would help or not, but my bike seems to handle better with one, and I haven't noticed any shimmy on it. One of my friends dumped his wing on the highway with a highway speed wobble. I don't know what he was doing when it happened, but we need to research this over on the wing forum.