Quote Originally Posted by 1951vbs View Post
According to the GL folks ALL BALLS neck bearings are the fix. Here is a quote from Big Dawg (forum member): "All Balls" are an upgrade set of neck bearings that are really a set of tapered roller bearings instead of the cheap open balls in a plastic cage. I suggest that you research the dreaded decel wobble that a lot of wings are prone to suffer from. Search over on the GL 1800 riders forum.

IMO because this phenomenon is present on some bikes but not all it is more likely due to neck bearing adjustment than design. I do think the ALL BALLS bearings are an improvement and if this wobble ever rears its ugly head on my bike I will install them.

Dickie, have you experienced this wobble on deceleration or just at steady forward speeds?
I always get it on deceleration when passing through 42 and stops at 36. Plus if I ride a steady 40 to 42 mph its a continuous wobble. Quite a nuisance as I also turn loose of the Handlebars to adjust things, Zip jackets etc.