I have no problem w folks using guns to protect their property / loved ones. AOK in my book! Hunt, collect, have fun with 'em, pass 'em on down through the ages??? SURE THING!!!

I'm not 'anti-gun', but do I believe a few 'boundaries' are not completely out of the question.

'Protection from the government' which was a big part of why the 2nd amendment was written, is not nearly as 'applicable/effective' today as it was back when everyone was using muskets,,, both Civilians and Soldiers were on a far more equal battle ground back then than today.

Which brings another thought to bear,,, In the true spirit of 'protection from the government', as was the case back when the Constitution was written (whom so many rush to reference today) then today, shouldn't the battle ground between Soldiers and Civilians be 'a bit more equal' like it was back then? If ya got the money, you get your own missile/tank/fighter jet, nuke, etc?

Is this the 'protection from the government' our forefathers had in mind? In one sense, I do believe it is, but our forefathers had no way of knowing the 'scale/capabilities of weapons to come or the ill effects 'weapons of the future' may hold on the masses. All they knew when they penned the 2nd Amendment is what weapons were available, what they were capable of and used for at that time. "Men and Muskets" were pretty much all they had,,,

Today, the very definition of 'right to keep and bear arms' is a bit fuzzy when it comes to modern 'arms'.

IMHO, it made perfect sense back then, but it's 'purpose/definition' today is a bit 'less clear' as ~guns~ per se' are no match for the Government's/military's weapons,,, If we wanted to truly ENFORCE the meaning of the 2nd amendment that so many clamor to today as 'Our Constitutional Right!', we really need something more than just guns,,, Something folks could use to neutralize the military,,,

That's a bit more exciting, now isn't it!

Interesting subject when ya think about it that way,,,

In other thoughts,,

On the 'state of the country' issues, yes, I agree, lotsa folks with their hands out sayin 'gimme'.

IMHO, about the only thing that might (eventually) turn that around is the immense suffering and loss that occurs during war.

Just hoping I'm not here that day,,,