Quote Originally Posted by Ericb445 View Post
Of people asking me if the F6B "is that a scooter or motorcycle?"
I just chuckle at them, I never seen a scooter as big as the 6. I wonder if full wing riders get the scooter question.
I'd ask them why they think it is a scooter? Interesting when folks are forced to engage their brains.

As a woman, I've not had the comments you guys have had--probably because I'm badass. There's a risk in telling a woman who rides one of these big bikes that it isn't this or that, or showing their ignorance and being vulnerable. Guys have conditioned their behaviors to interact with one another in that "one-upmanship" of the locker room.

They just don't know how to deal with a woman who doesn't give a flea's fart for what they think about my ride. I can sense it in them, when they only cautiously comment on the paint job whilst looking hard at the engine.

I'm feeling rather smug this evening.