This is not the first time this has happened to me. I live just a couple miles off the interstate, so I frequently get on it just to cruise. Tonight a coke truck ahead of me had a blow out on the rear and the disintegrating tire caused the destruction of the wheel well area and after the tire came off, the disintegration of the wheel itself. I've never seen so much debris flying around. I have a riding buddy that I am constantly having to tell him to get on around those trucks. Don't just pull up beside them to pass and just stay there. One time while passing a truck pulling a trailer house, the trailer house had a wheel come completely off, it bounced about 6 foot high and I actually had to swerve towards the trailer to avoid tire tracks in my face.

Point is, when passing anything, don't lollygag around, get on around them and be on your toes all the time.

F6B content for this post............One can pass anything with ease riding an F6B!