Quote Originally Posted by Morpheous View Post
I just pulled the trigger also on a 6 Blk today!! Took a maiden voyage 135 miles home and it is different good coming off a Vision. (miss the leg room). Twisting the throttle and looking in the mirror made for a huge grin on my face and now I know what you all have been experiencing. I will need to make it my own and miss the comfort of sitting IN the bike instead of on so I will be looking to change the seating some how and getting some sort of backrest extension for the Mrs. Thank you all for your valuable input in this forum. I'm sure ill have some questions.
Besides a new seat, the other thing that is a must is highway pegs for me. I'm a long time Valk rider and so the foot peg location is not all that different. However, with the broad torque curve of these six cylinder engines, it's nothing to ride most of the time with my feet stretched out on the highway pegs.Ergo IIIs and I like them very much. They have a spring mechanism that allows them to rotate down when you put your feet on them and then they spring up when you take your feet off them. There is a brand called Mic-O-Pegs that many really like that does the same kind of thing. I like the looks of the Kurys better.