All systems 'go' here.

Better still, we'll be bringing both our bikes.

(For those that don't know, the Wife tangled with a dog and went down on Fathers day. Shattered clavicle, cracked ribs,,, (LHS) Wasn't sure if she'd be able to ride her own in Franklin,, )

Wife and I put a few hours riding in last weekend,,, First time back on her bike since 'Doggy Day',,,

She's doin good!!!! No real problems,,,

She's still 'kinda overly cautious' (i.e. "slower than mud") in the corners... That's nothing new,,, It started about 2 yrs ago,, right after she low-sided in a sharp turn , torn rotator cuff and road rash. (RHS)

We'll see, but there's a chance she'll be riding on the back of mine for the TOTD. Don't want anyone to fall asleep riding behind her!!! LOL!!!

(Nah, she's a trooper!!! A 'very careful in the corners' trooper!!! )