The "interesting bits:"
1. Get out of 1st gear as soon as possible.
2. Where's 6th? (Yes, I know....just like my '81 GL1100 Std)
3. How do I make the Tuner Lever roll through my Preset stations?
4. Why can I not pull the key out of the the trunk lock and leave the bags unlocked?
5. How much $$$ does 'Steve0080' have invested in "accessories?

The rest....
1. OH. MY. GOODNESS. The spirited acceleration, the looks, the agility, the nimbleness, the stares from co-workers, the "fire-up-right-now-let's-giddyup" from fuel injection, the responsive braking. Daayyum.
2. (Not required.)

This bike is amazing.
This forum is invaluable.
Thanks to all.