Check this out:

Tire blew out on the interstate at 65 mph. Looks like the sidewall detached. Bike totaled. Rider and passenger injured. Cause unknown. Tire brand... Metzler.

Quote Originally Posted by bobbyf6b View Post
Yes, they have a set made exclusively for the GL 1800. Radials.

Quote Originally Posted by naga viper View Post
Has anyone tried the metzler 888? How was mileage?
I'm sure us at the 8k plateau got a different batch than the rest.will see on this next pair.
Not to anyone or tobut
I read a post some time ago. And a darksider did tons of damage to drivetrain from over 100000 miles.
there was a lot of emphasis on the drag that a car tire has ie improved acceleration. Improved braking. But if I remember correctly had some real statistics on why driveshaft, rear diff, and gears in transmission were all chewed to pieces.
Don't shoot the messenger just trying to help out I'm sure it could be found on Google.
Can you find that post?