I own a bunch of full face helmets, for safety I think a full face is the way to go...

Although that being said, I also own 2 modulars... when I ride in groups, Its super nice to flip up and talk at a red light..

My Scala rider com set is mounted in my newest Modular. Long trips, I think this will be my new "go to" helmet.

both of my modulars are not vented nearly as well as my full face helmets, when my head is sweaty, I find myself riding chin up to cool my face and mellon

I also own a "skid lid" you know one of those 1/2 helmet things with a short visor (like harley guys ride with...)(I think its about worthless as a helmet, but when its 95* in North Carolina, they still make you wear a helmet).

It also seems to me as if most new modulars are automatically dished out inside for Comm Stuff. Deeper holes over the ears to accommodate speakers and room for mics...

If I'm racing or stunting on my dirt bike/Supermoto, it's full face