Quote Originally Posted by F6B1911 View Post
Exactly ....
And tell me what happens to our great nation when the don'ts exceed the do's?
How long will the do's keep doing until they stand up and say enough is enough?
I,Me...thinks the next civil war in this country will be throwing the bums out of the wagon, They now number 52%. I also am tired of politics in general, all 535 are idiots blaming the other side when they are in power....IF our leader had let the "Big" companies fail we would have had a chance to fix this, but NOOOOOOO...but that is another story. The "I deserve" crowd is what is killing the USA and until WE stop filling their hands nothing will change. We can start with our own children. Both of mine owe me money, at times a lot of money. I was keeping a ledger but have thrown it away as I was the only one concerned! One called about a month ago and "needed" more money...I said you still owe me money and have made no effort to pay it back sooooo the money train has stopped. When you pay me back I will consider helping you in the future! By the way this is OUR fault...we gave our kids to much for to little in return. I, for one have put a stop to it.... it is time for them to grow up!!!