Its so unbelievable that people on the right complain about the direction of the country when republicans always ruin everything they are put in charge of.

With all of the experience you have you must remember the economy in 08.

DEYSTROYED by eight years of Republican rule.

Remember the budget surplus that Clinton delivered to the right wing when they stole the 00 election?

GONE, we still have not recovered from 8 years of pointless wars and tax breaks that do nothing but make the rich richer.

Under our current leadership we have had CONSISTENT RELIABLE GROWTH.

Here is some data to back up that statement:

When you look at who is actually a "taker" and who is a "giver" in our society it is consistently the liberal states giving money to the conservative ones. Conservatives love to complain about takers but their policies do nothing but cause their to be more "takers"

Look at this article about which states give more tax dollars to the federal government and which states take more than they give:

It is clear that without the liberal states the conservative states would be SUNK.

I know in the great state of Massachusetts where I am we only get back 94 percent of what we pay, but in the conservative state of Mississippi each tax dollar given to the government gets more than a 300 percent return. How is it we could afford to take on the conservative policies, without the liberal states to carry the conservative ones we would be doomed....

I dont doubt that the people on this board who can afford this bike have and do work hard for their money, but to think that democrats are all about "giving" money away misses the fact that under democrats our economy has flourished and under conservatives the rich have gotten richer but the average American has been worse off at the end of the conservative term than they were in the beginning.

Im proud to have voted for Obama, I cant wait to get the chance to vote for another Clinton. I am happy living in my state where we give more than we get and also lead the nation in healthcare, educational outcomes and are in the top five for earned income.

Please if you could, point out one measure of overall success as a country that is actually worse than when Obama took office, he has done nothing but work to improve our country. We are all lucky to have had him as our leader.