
You see there in lies your problem, you did not read and you ASSUMED wrong. I posted right up front that I have in fact ridden with a Darkside setup, in fact I have THOUSANDS of miles riding on that setup. I still have a brand new Potenza sitting in my barn that didn't get used.
That mistake aside, you cannot make an INFORMED decision as to the merits and/or pitfalls of running a CT, without considering ALL the variables (hence my discourse with Bob). IMO there is a SIGNIFICANT down side to running a DS rig on a single sided swingarm, aka FD as opposed to a traditional 2 sided swingarm. Far more variables to consider in setup. There is also the hydroplaning argument which cannot be gotten around. There are SURELY benefits to running DS like more rubber on the road, longer tire life, less tippy when stationary.... but you cannot discount the negatives.
You can run whatever setup you want, your bike, your money and your life in the saddle. All I'm saying is be INFORMED. That means when someone tells you a CT won't hydroplane any more than a bike tire, know it for the BS it is. That doesn't mean don't run the CT, it means know it WILL hydroplane much easier than a bike tire so you don't put yourself in a BAD situation. It means know that an alum wheel will NOT in all instances be the best choice of wheel, factor in weight. Cool looks could get you dead or damage your bike badly. It means with a final drive like the GW has, being on center is very important as is the total weight of your setup, for safety and to prevent damage to the bike.
I am sorry you felt we were debating the merit of running a DS setup, rather than discussing things of importance, things that NEED to be considered when pondering a DS setup.

ps... I run a DS rig on my BMW when towing my trailer (FD, single sided swingarm) and I am as informed as one could get on the merits and pitfalls. Bet you didn't see that coming either