Quote Originally Posted by XHarley View Post
Just curious if you see any performance difference running 91 octane versus the 87 octane that is recommended in the owners manual.
Short answer: no.

Slightly longer answer:
All of our fuels in Philly have the "up to 10% ethanol" label on them and I am not ready to do what my neighbor MadMax is doing and removing that from the mix. Yet.
Just like any entity, I think varying the diet is a good thing - make the system work under slightly different parameters.
Performance difference? Nope. She still goes like a scalded cat no matter what grade I use.

She does get some Sea Foam every 4th tankful just to keep everything clean and happy.
If I know I'll be on a highway at constant higher RPMs, I'll use the highest grade octane I can for a tankful - again to keep the system clean and running optimally under different operating parameters.
Fuel efficiency - for me - is more a function of "am I commuting?" (which is 12 miles of 20, 25 & 35 mph roads with 47 stoplights) or "am I not commuting?"

Hope this helps.