Quote Originally Posted by Steve 0080 View Post
How long before the whole truth comes out.....I always found it funny how someone could read the paper and take whatever was written as gospel....people fail to realize who ever signed for the story it was their OPINION...not fact just their opinion... I also found it comical that reporters, notice that I did not say journalists, would write a story and I have no ideal what they were writing about and I WAS there...and so this case goes...NOW the stand your ground law....the talking heads have not researched this yet either because in the State of Florida people of color have used this law many times more than white people....oh and now I am sadden by the fact that Stevie will not be coming to Florida...once again he did not research this well either....there are a total of 22 states with this same law...he may be out of business soon....LMAO

Yeah but when people of color try to use the same law this is what we get.
