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  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by glryder98 View Post
    I may not be an alien but I am a darksider. I have just 3 questions to all the naysayers. How is it that you can come up with all of the reasons why you THINK you shouldn't run a ct on a motorcycle? If you have never ridden a bike with a ct on it. How can you say what is safe and what is not? How can you have an opinion with no knowledge of riding a motorcycle with a ct other than what other non darksiders have said? I may think your an idiot but don't open your mouth and prove it to me.

    If you are so eager to learn and answer to your own questions ( without calling yourself "an idiot" ) , simply buy or borrow from the nearest library fantastic book , written by Vittore Cossalter "MOTORCYCLE DYNAMICS" . I believe it will help you.
    (you may get lucky and get Second Edition , explaining differences between front and rear motorcycle tire and related SAFETY)
    I can provide many more titles of great techno books to read ... ( if of course be interested in them at all ? ).

  2. #12
    Moderator bob109's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Limoles View Post
    I'm glad you've found my sarcastic tone , which was not exactly pointed at you , but since you received it as a personal blow and feel like a wounded bull , so let it be . I don't really care about anybodies habitual old school experiments . Having master degree in automotive engineering , I possesed more expertise and valuable knowledge of technology , than your limited capacity of any rational thinking can absorb . Having said so , I'm not in position to advise you or others to use any tires , but strongly recommended to get familiar with available popular/scientific materials , which you rejected , or maybe were to smart for you . In the same time I love to act like a clown , which makes my life easier and funnier . Do not ask me , why I feel sorry for you and why I shouldn't respond to your arrogant messages in similarly primitive way ? If I try to act like you do , or catch the same level of discussion , it could brake my standards of progressive thinking . Simply let you go.
    Les thank you once again, especially for playing the educational superiority card. Its apparent that you deem a B.S. in Automotive Engineering is license to be obnoxious to others. This is a public forum which has folks much smarter than you. You fail to realize that. I'de like to remind you that Automotive Engineers designed the Pinto, the current ignition switches for GM, and the exploding fragmenting air bags used by numerous auto manufactures. As you should be aware, all of those devices were "occupant killers". Forgive me for not recognizing you as a "self annointed genius". I really do have a problem with bloated egos. In closing I love humor and like to clown around myself. Levity can be a stress reducer and provide food for the soul. It, however, should never be done at the expense of others.



  3. #13
    Senior Member Jimmytee's Avatar
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    This is one of my many friends who choose to ride Darkside. Jus' sayn'

    Attachment 10581

  4. #14
    Senior Member Jimmytee's Avatar
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    Evidently that Masters didn't include English Composition or grammar. All in good fun. Sorry, I couldn't resist. I fully recognize that many don't proofread their posts and in a hurry can make mistakes . If using a mobile device, one can often be a victim of auto correct.

  5. #15
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Les and Bob ..... Let's just agree to disagree.

    You two are neighbors (PA-NJ) , maybe both of you could have lunch.

    Bob if you would be so kind, please allow Les to test ride your F6B

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Les and Bob ..... Let's just agree to disagree.

    You two are neighbors (PA-NJ) , maybe both of you could have lunch.

    Bob if you would be so kind, please allow Les to test ride your F6B

    It would be nobel idea , but it is behind me already . Ones I test rode Valkyrie Interstate , whose owner claimed that he mounted car tires only for one purpose - just to safe money ... to buy more beer . I couldn't follow his philosophy and refused to be stupid . I established good friendship with Kevin Cameron instead ( Editor of the Cycle World magazine ), whose vibrant intelligence and over two decades of specializing in motorcycle performance and engineering , increased my life time commitment in studies of physics and formulas of mobility . Why should I trade it for something else ?

  7. #17
    Senior Member bobbyf6b's Avatar
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  8. #18
    You know guys when you break it down they are both just tires. Rubber , synthetics , nylon. You get it. Thing is my B handles so good with the General and the Michelin I don't see how someone can say its wrong. I'm 56 and been riding since I was 9. Never tried a CT on a bike till 4 months ago. In my experience I think that its better than a MT on the B. Hayabusa , no. Big heavy cruiser definitely.

  9. #19
    Senior Member hiflyer's Avatar
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    I just read the fine print on the side wall of my car tire. It says:

    Mount on a motorcycle at your own risk, somebody will get pissed.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Jimmytee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hiflyer View Post
    I just read the fine print on the side wall of my car tire. It says:

    Mount on a motorcycle at your own risk, somebody will get pissed.
    Really Clark?

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